Send an Email

Sends an email notification to notify about an event occurring in the chat flow.

Send an Email action block is used for sending real time email notification to internal stakeholders about the conversation that happened between the chatbot and the visitor.

When should you use it?

  • When the lead is generated

  • When the visitor has entered their details

  • When a conversation has been completed

  • When a conversation has reached a particular point

How do I set it up?

To setup the 'Send Email' action block, you can follow the following steps;

  • Add action block on canvas by clicking on '+'

  • Choose 'Send an Email'

  • Configure following on right panel

    • Send an email to: Define the email IDs of the users who need to be notified via email

      1. To:

      2. CC:

      3. BCC:

    • Subject: Define the subject of the email

    • Email Markup: Define the content of the email

    • Include Chat Transcript: You can switch on 'Include Chat Transcript' if you would like to receive entire chat transcript over the email

Last updated