
Live chat is where you can see the real-time chats taken place between your agents/chatbots.

The whole live chat feature is made up of the following features:

Here, you can see the shortcuts to finding your chats.

Default views

Sopro offers some default views like:

  • You - Chats assigned to you.

  • Assigned - Chats currently in progress.

  • Unassigned - No agent is assigned to the chat.

  • Closed - Historically closed chats.

  • SLA breached - Chats whose SLAs are breached

Clicking on each view shows you all its chats.

Custom views

Here you can customize and create your own views by defining your conditions.


Label are used to tag conversations to remember them for later use.

You can click on each label, to view the chats which are tagged with it.

Chat list

For the selected view you can see the list of chats.

Each chat card contains the following information:

  • Visitor name - Name of the visitor, by default, we provide a dummy number.

  • Assignee - Who is currently chatting with the visitor.

  • Location - Where is the visitor speaking from, based on their IP address.

  • Channel - On which channel is this chat occuring.

  • Visitor status - Is the visitor currently online on the page, offline, or away?

  • SLA timer - Time left to send a reply to the visitor's message.

  • Last message - Last message exchanged in the chat.

Chat screen

Here for the selected chat, you can see the conversation going on between the visitor and agent/bot.

All the messages exchanged so far will be displayed here.

If the chatbot is currently conversing with the visitor, you will not be able to send a message.

If you want to take over the chat from the bot, click on the 'Join conversation' button and start typing your message.

Here you will find the following tools:

  • Text box - To type your reply to the chat.

  • Saved replies - To use pre-defined canned responses.

  • Attachments - To upload a media file.

  • Emojis - To add an emoji to your response.

  • Calendar - You can send a appointment booking card to the visitor. Using this card, the visitor can book a slot.

  • Voice note - Record and send your voice messages.


On the details screen you can see the details collected in that conversation.

Qualification details

Here you can find the details of the visitor who is talking to the agent/bot.

If they have provided their contact details you can see it here along with other system details like browser, OS, location etc.

You can customize the fields you want to see here.


You can add a label from here to the chat.

See the list of historical chats of this visitor with your chatbot/agent.

We track the related chats using a cookie on the visitor's browser.

Last updated